Use this to create skin tones with paints!!! (It is a template!)

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How to clean and prepare brush:


Steps to painting simple:

1.Paint large areas first.
2.Paint shapes of same colors next.
3.Add light, dark and related colors.
4.Add details.

Helpful Hints:

Always paint your light colored layers first, then do your dark colors because dark can paint over light.
Make tints-add white to a color
Make shades-add black to a color
Use a wet brush. (watercolor)
Press for wide lines.
Use tip for thin lines.
Make shapes.
Paint on wet or dry paper.


Wire:Connect the parts to make a form. Show the action. Cover, paint and add details.
Mobile:Balance the units. The units should turn freely.
       Model-First make big forms. Then model forms. Add details last.
       Assemble-Make the parts. Join the parts and then add details.
       Carve-Create a design. Carve a relief. Remove clay to create three-dimensional form.

5-Step Studio Process

1.Plan and Practice:Start with an idea from your world or your imagination. Practice with materials, tools, and techniques.
2.Begin to Create:Begin to try out your idea. Work carefully with tools and materials.
3.Revise:Did you accomplish your goals? How can you make your work better? Ask a friend or classmate for suggestions.
4.Add Finishing Touches:Add interesting details. Do you want to give your artwork a title?
5.Share and Reflect:Share your work with others. What did you learn as an artist? What might you do differently next time?

Principles of Design

Balance: symmetrical, radial, asymmetrical
Emphasis: contrast, center of interest
Pattern: simple, complex
Proportion: normal, exaggerated
Movement: angular, curved
Unity and Variety: unity color, unity shape, variety contrast, variety details

Elements of Art

Line          Color          Value          Texture          Shape          Form          Space